Fur production
in Hungary

Hungary does not belong to the leading fur producing countries in the World, there are however three special items for which Hungary is noted in the international fur sector:

First of all it is noted because of the “PANNOFIX”. PANNOFIX is a registered trademark for nearly 75 years, Sam Diamont and sons patented the process in 1937.
Everyone remember grandmother’s fur coat, what she used to have, a fur coat which had the label:
“Real PANNOFIX from Hungary”.  What is PANNOFIX? PANNOFIX is actually a secret process of PANNONIA factory, to enhance the fur side of lambskin and fur skin hides to look like beaver skin, otherwise known as PANNOFIX beaver lamb (Biberlamm, mouton doré), which quickly became a very famous product. Unfortunately PANNONIA factory fall victim to the change of regime in Hungary in the nineties. Since than, PANNOFIX is being produced only in some small workshops.

The second one, it is because Hungary is the biggest chinchilla producing and trading country beside Canada. The chinchilla skins coming from the Hungarian farms are well appraised by the furriers because of their good quality and correct selection. They are sold to many countries in the World from the United States to Asia. There are about 200 smaller or bigger chinchilla breeding farms in Hungary.


Hungary has a special item for the international fur industry, and that is Hamster. This for the agriculture noxious fur bearing animal is trapped and manufactured only in Hungary and is so turned to a profit bringing article for exportation. It is  popular for fur lining and trimming. The traditional markets for it are Germany and Austria and lately Italy.
All activities be it farming, dressing or trapping give work and complementary income to a lot of rural families.

The Hungarian Fur Trade Association has 34 members from the different fields of the fur sector and is working closely together with the International Fur Trade Federation .  There are around 80 furriers, retail shops, dressing companies in Hungary.  The Hungarian Fur Trade Association tries to keep them together for this creative and beautiful trade remain alive.  At the moment HFTA is organizing a fur design competition in order to awake the interest of young designers in fur, this exciting and beautiful, moreover ecological material.



tel.: 06 26 525-286
e-mail: secretary@hfta.hu
address: H-1036 Budapest, Becsi ut 85. fszt. 5., HUNGARY